3.1 Introduction to C Tokens
- he syntax of the C language has been followed by many other popular languages, so it is very important for you to understand the syntax of C.
- A C program is made up of tokens.
- If you learn to use all the tokens in the C language, then you will become a C language expert.
- For example, look at the program below.
- This program is used in the correct order of tokens and nothing but this.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf(“My Coding Blocks”);
❖ Tokens are of 6 types. Their list is given below.
- Identifiers
- Keywords
- Constants
- Variables
- Strings
- Operators
- If you look at this list, then in the above program, int, main, printf, + and software programming is cool etc. everything is tokens only.
- Not just about all these tokens, just being told about identifiers and keywords in this tutorial.
- You will be told in the next tutorials about the rest of the tokens.
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