Monday, August 17, 2020

2.2 Working with Dev C Compiler

❖ Here I am telling you to execute a simple program in Dev C  compiler and you will
    be able to understand its basic uses.
❖ First you will open the Dev C  compiler. After this you will create a new file.
    To create a new file, you will click on the File option in the Menu bar and after that click
    on the new menu and click on the source file. 
    As shown in the below given window.

Working with Dev C++ Compiler

Working with Dev C Compiler

Working with Dev C Compiler

Working with Dev C Compiler

❖ As soon as you click on the Source File option, the editor will open in the right side.
    As shown in the below given image.

❖ Here you write your code. As shown in the below image.

❖ After compiling code, you compile your program. For this, you go to the Execute menu
    and click on the compile option. As shown in the below given image.

❖ When you click on the compile option, you will be shown a window in which you will
    be asked to save this program. As shown in below given image.

❖ As soon as you save this program with a name, the program will start compiling. If
    there is an error in the program then it will be shown below the editor otherwise the
    program will be successfully compile and show the message of Done.

❖ After the program is compiled you will run it. To run the program, you will go to the
    Execute menu and click on the run option. 
    After this, your program will run and you will show output in the console window.
    As shown in the below given image.

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