Monday, August 17, 2020

3.2 C Character Set

  •  In the C language you write in the sequence of a program characters. Such as         #include <stdio.h>. 

  • This statement is made up of characters only. 
  • This statement contains i, n, c, l and h etc. characters.
  • But it is not that you can use any character in a C program. 
  • For this, character set has been defined by C. 
  • Only characters in this set can be used in a C program Can have.

❖ Alphabet

  • In Alphabet characters you can use Z from the capital case and a from z small case characters.

❖ Digits

  • In Digits you can use any digit from 0 to 9.

❖ Special Characters

  • In the special characters you can use the characters given below.

           ! @ # $% ^ & * () _ - + = | {} [] <> ", /

  • Apart from these alphabets, digits and special characters, you and any other characters can not be used in the C language. This is called the character set of C.

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