Monday, August 17, 2020

3.3 Identifiers

  • Identifiers are those names that give you variables, constants and functions. 
  • There are some rules to give to these names that you follow. 
  • If you do not follow these rules then there is an error in the program.

  1. In Identifiers @,%, - characters can not be used.
  2. C is case sensitive. Therefore age and age will be called two different identifiers.
  3. In identifiers you can not use operators.
  4. You can either start an Identifier with either a character or underscore. Digits can not be started from identifiers.
  5. You can start identifiers from A to Z, both with both small and capital letters or underscore. After this you can use digits and other characters or underscore.

_age // true 2name // false Emp-name // false Emp_2_age // true

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