Monday, August 17, 2020

1.3 Features of C Language

 ❖ C language's popularity is due to its features. These features make C language unique

      and powerful.

❖ Structured

  • C is a structured programming language. 
  • In C, a program is created as small modules, which are called functions. 
  • By doing so, there is ease in managing and debugging programs and the big problem can also be easily solved.

❖ Small

  • C provides 32 consecutive keywords. 
  • These keywords provide control over the programmer to language. 
  • By understanding the use of these keywords you can program in C language. 
  • Being C is small, it can be easily learned in less time. Also, it is easy to use.

❖ Middle level

  • C is a middle level language. C is capable of creating both types of applications        (very close to software) and low level (very close to the hardware).

  • This feature of C language is a benefit for those programmers who want to create  applications for both low and high levels. 

  • This feature makes the C language flexible

❖ Fast

  • C language is considered to be the fastest language after assembly language. 
  • It is also sometimes called low level language. C is close to hardware. 
  • Therefore it is faster than other programming languages. Processing of applications created in C language is fast.   
❖ Case Sensitive
  • C is a case sensitive language. 
  • Capital and small variants of a letter are considered different in Case sensitive programming languages. 
  • This allows programmers to create identifiers.
❖ Extendable
  • C is an extendable programming language. 
  • In C programs, you can add and use libraries that you have created.

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