Sunday, August 23, 2020


 9.1.2 Introduction to C Operators

  • You can perform various types of operations on those variables by having values stored inside the variables. 
  • For example, by having value store inside two integer variables you can perform the operation of addition and print the sum of values of those two variables. 
  • Similarly you can do more with different operations variables. 
  • To perform operations with variables, you have to use different operators. 
  • In this chapter, you are being told about such operators. 
  • The variables that are used with operators in Operations are called operand. 
  • For example, see the statement given below.

  • A and b have been used with the operator (+) in the above statement, so these two variables will be called operands.

There are 2 types of operators.

1. Unary :-

                    These types of operators are used only with one operand.

2. Binary :-

                    2 operands are used with this type of operators.

Now let's try to find out about different operators who are using C language.

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