Tuesday, August 18, 2020

5.1.1 Creating C Variables

  • To create a variable first you define the data type. 
  • After this you define an unique name.

/* Without value assignment */ <data-type> <variable-name>; /* With value assignment */ <data-type> <variable-name> = <variable-value>;

❖ For example, see the statement given below.

/* Variable declaration with value assignment */ int Age = 25;

  • An integer variable has been created by this statement, which is named Age and this variable is assigned 25 values. 
  • Let us now understand how the compiler executes this statement.
  • When the compiler first executes the int, it allot the memory of 2 bytes of the computer's memory. 
  • After this, when the compiler executes the age, it gives the name of memory of that 2 bytes to age. 
  • After this, when compiler = 25 executes, then he stores 25 on this memory location.
Computer Memory Space
❖ Now whenever you want to access this value, you can access it by age name.

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